Tuesday, October 10, 2017


CAMBODIA -old and new

I know that nobody really want's to hear about another week in the MTC so I will try to keep it short haha. We got our flight plans which is sweet! We leave Tuesday night and after 35 hours of travel or so we arrive in Cambodia! We also got our script name tags, things are finally starting to get real! 

An interesting thing that happened this week: You know those Hmong peppers that I sent a picture of like two or three weeks ago? Yeah well turns out they sent some more to the Elders that just left and so we made one last memory with them by eating the peppers. Everyone ate one and it actually wasn't too bad. So two others and I decided to up the game by eating three peppers at once. I was literally spitting straight fire hahaha. It was so hot!!! My mouth kinda just turned numb and constantly stung. After three hours and a lot of milk, it wasn't too bad haha, but it was a fun memory! Me and Elder Bohman had a sleepover with the Elders that were leaving which was fun. My district also got the chance to host new missionaries coming into the MTC. It was actually pretty sad to see them leaving their families, but I know that they are making the best decision of their lives so it's all worth it! The language is tough but good. I have come to realize that no matter how much I learn here, I still won't know what is going on when I first get to Cambodia so I am just trying to do my best and be optimistic.

That's about all the noteworthy stuff that happened so I will just close with a short spiritual message. 

This week we talked a lot about the difference between the gift of the Holy Ghost for those who have been baptized and those who have not. Our discussion eventually progressed to the topic of spiritual gifts.  We read from Moroni chapter 10 and talked about the power of spiritual gifts. We each have spiritual gifts. Everyone in this world is unique, and amazing in their own way. We need to find out what gifts we have and additionally, what gifts we want. We need to be able to find out who WE are in order to help others find out who they are. I am so lucky for the chance that I have to pray to our Heavenly Father and have him help me to know what things I have been gifted with and humble myself enough to have him help me with gifts I need to work on and improve. What an amazing blessing we have! I have been pondering Moroni 10:32 - it talks about coming unto Christ and be perfected in him. Find out who you are in order to come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and then reach out to others to help them do the same.

Thanks for reading! My favorite quote of the week was from one of the Vietnamese teachers. He said something along the lines of "How lucky you are to be a missionary of the Lord. The Lord will get his work done, whether you are apart of it or not, but how lucky you are that the Lord allows you to be a part of this amazing work." I feel blessed that the Lord has trusted me to help the people of Cambodia! I can't wait to get out there! Thanks for all the support and I love you all!

Elder Gochnour

Me and Elder Bohman
The pepper eaters
Nick Liddle former Cambodian Missionary
the boys

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