Tuesday, January 30, 2018

This is the Work of our Savior

Well, the only shout out that is worth giving is to the big, soon to be grandpa, 59-year-old man, named JEFF!!! What a legend! If anyone has some extra time send him a happy birthday because he deserves it. I love you, Dad! Thanks for being my role model and paving the way. 

Lets cut right to the chase! Another week down in the lovely city of Battambang! A few things that happened this week:
  • We had a FHE with the whole district of Battambang (3 branches) and it was a great time. We spent all of our companion study and lunchtime making some authentic, Italian cuisine.  Spaghetti! I was basically chef Ratatouille cooking up that tasty red sauce oops! Hahaha (Lucy, you would have been proud!) It was fun to make something that was kinda American. That night I stuffed myself with all different types of Khmer food!  I love every single member of our district!
  • On Wednesday I was cutting carrots and I bit into a big carrot and I broke my retainer... I was kinda like "OK what am I supposed to do now?" We found this ghetto dentist place and this guy just opens up my mouth and went to WORK! He could give Bishop O'brien a run for his money (jokes)! He actually did a great job, and I handed him a $10 dollar bill and all is good.
  • We play chess every night as a companionship and I am still holding the title as reigning champ. Elder Chaparro almost had me, but I was able to stalemate him and we called it a draw. We are trying to get good so we can play the Cambodian's at Khmer chess, finding things to have in common with them. 
  • I did a baptismal interview for this guy who is basically deaf and it was an awesome experience. The other Elders helped me out and wrote out all the questions and he knew all the answers, but if he was ever confused I had to try to yell to get him to understand. Picture me yelling in broken Khmer, it is a pretty funny image. He has an amazing story of faith that I will have to tell later. 
The big news was that I was able to baptize Sela! He is the self-referral  He has always been super prepared and I feel lucky that I was able to be a part of his seeking. We had to postpone his baptism until Sunday, but when church started on Sunday he wasn't there, so I was stressing a ton, but he came in late and everything worked out well! 

The baptism went smooth and when he got up to bear his testimony he told a crazy story. He said that after the first few times we met, he prayed to Heavenly Father in order to know if what we were teaching is true. He didn't get an answer, but he just got the feeling that he shouldn't worry about it and that he should just go to bed. He said that as soon as he went to bed he started having this vivid, insane dream. It was super detailed and long, but long story short he was walking on the ocean and then all of the sudden millions of people started to appear in the water. They were all telling him what he should do, and he was confused, but there were two that were giving off light. They were glowing. They said that what he was learning was true. He knew that those two people were me and my companion who he was meeting with and he knew it was true. The real dream was way better than that, but it is kinda confusing and hard to explain, but the important part is that God works in miraculous ways. The Cambodian people always have these crazy dreams, and it was pretty crazy to listen to him standing there bearing his testimony on this crazy story. 

Also, we had zone conference and it was super good!  Lately, I have been so worried about what to do to be the best missionary. The best ways to use my time, best methods of finding, most effective way to teach, etc. I stress myself out and get so caught up in the auxiliary of the missionary work.  President and Sister Christensen reminded us that this is the work of our Savior!!!! Don't ever forget that. If I go out and do my best every single day, no matter what happens, the Lord promises that he will be with me. The most important thing is that I just try my hardest and give my all. I listen to the spirit and do all I can and then God will make up the differences. That is what I am working on right now! Stop worrying about "the how so much" and worry about the WHY! For the salvation of these amazing people that NEED this gospel in there life. 

Anyway, I love you all so much! FLY EAGLES FLY! Cheering for the Eagles this upcoming Sunday, halfway across the world (sorry Briggs). I hope everyone has a great week! The Book of Mormon was given to Joseph Smith in the northern hemisphere on September 22, the day that begins the harvest festival. Coincidence? No. The field is white all ready to harvest and this is our tool! Read it! (Mosiah 18)

Goodnight Big Al


//Elder Gochnour

Monday, January 22, 2018

Simple Is Best


What is good in the hood!? I want to start out this letter with a few shout outs! 
  • First, shout out to Paul Strigham for trying so hard to meet up with me here in Cambodia and sacrificing so much, but being respectful and understanding. He is a great man!  
  • S/O to my mom for two packages halfway across the world. BEST MOM EVER! 
  • S/O to Caroline Pinnock and Elizabeth Dale going on missions. DOPE! Put in the work! 
  • S/O to Ralph and Abby for having a kid soon. Sad that their favorite uncle won't be there (sorry Will)! 
  • S/O to the Olympus Titans for absolutely dominating everyone. I bleed green and silver baby! Someone go give Rylan Jones a hug for me for almost averaging a triple-double and tell Matt Barnes that he is doing a good thing (also Harry is balling too)! TTTE! 
  • And finally S/O to Zion Williamson going to Duke. BALLER! Blue Devil Nation Baby! 

Okay, now I will actually get into the details of the week! Just a regular missionary week. Elder Chaparro is an awesome example for me of someone who works hard and is obedient. He is an example of the blessings that you can receive when you live your mission right. Tons of stuff happened this week but I can't even remember anything. I ate a lot of rice! That was cool. Hahaha jk

So first thing was Seda's baptism! It was so awesome and Seda is someone who really has been changed by the light and the love of Christ. When we first tried to meet with him and talked to him he was the shyest person I have ever met. He didn't like to open up or talk to people or be in public, however as we started teaching him and introducing him to what the love of the Savior feels like, he started to light up! I literally could see a palpable difference in his actions and his smile from the day I first started teaching him, to Saturday when he got baptized. He is an awesome kid that doesn't have much, only his brother and his mom, but now he has this gospel that brings so much joy in his life. He is still so humble and meek and at the same time so happy. He truly is one of the reasons I know that the Lord called me to Battambang. 

 A very interesting experience that happened this week. After a few dropped appointments and contacting, Elder Chaparro and I decided to say a prayer to receive direction on what we should do. Literally the second I ended the prayer and opened my eyes, there was this white man on a bike, in the middle of nowhere in Cambodia. My first thought was WOW what an answer to my prayer to be able to talk to this guy and help him out! However, that thought quickly changed as he started belittling us. He said that he believed that Mormonism was a good religious institution, but he told us that it was all fake, a lie and that Joseph Smith was a conman. He then continued his opinions for about 10 minutes, views and calculated thoughts about God, and all that exists in the world. He pretty much defiled everyone's religion and explained how the endocrine system of the human body causes humans to have joy even through hardships. To sum the situation up he was probably one of the most educated people I have ever met and he had obviously studied every religion there was to study. After proclaiming how wrong we were he hoped on his bike and rode off, refusing to let us respond and try to share a few our beliefs.

So let me tell you, it was a very interesting answer to my prayer.  

I really have been thinking a lot about why God put that man into my life. I found a few answers. 
The first reason was that even though that man was so knowledgeable, and so studied he wasn't happy. I could tell from the way talked and interacted with us. It was all about him. It was such a contrast to the two members that we saw right after that man because we parked our bikes at their house. Sure they might not be the most studied and intelligent, but they were joking with each other, with us and they were genuinely happy. I could see it in their eyes and hear it in their laugh. They hadn't studied the complicated human endocrine system but their lives were not simple either.  Yet they found joy in simply having faith in Jesus Christ and finding joy in being good people. 

I also read something in a book called "Teachings of the Presidents: Heber J. Grant." One of his most famous quotes is as follows: "No amount of knowledge, of inspiration and testimony as to the divinity of the work of God, will be of benefit to us unless we put that knowledge into actual practice in the daily walks of life. It is not the amount that any individual may know that will benefit him and his fellows, but it is the practical application of that knowledge." 

I simplified this into my own quote "Someone who LIVES the scriptures or teaching that they believe, is a lot more effective than someone who knows them but does not live them." Therefore, I would invite all of you to live what you believe. That man I met on his bike, may have been the most studied scholar in the whole country of Cambodia, but yet he treated us like nothing. Therefore all this knowledge that he had seemed to me to be wasted. Please don't be like that man. LIVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Live how the Savior would live. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then LIVE like him. 

I also was reading the Book of Mormon and I stumbled across Alma 32! What a baller chapter from the truest book on this earth!!!! Please, please go read it. It helped me so much because of the last verses. ALMA 32:34

34 And now, behold, is your knowledge perfect? Yea, your knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant; and this because you know, for ye know that the word hath swelled your souls, and ye also know that it hath sprouted up, that your understanding doth begin to be enlightened, and your mind doth begin to expand 

Although I don't know the answer to every single question and I still need to strengthen my faith, I know that I have had so many personal experiences where I have felt the truth of this gospel in my life. My faith can be perfect in those experiences. Although that guy can persecute me and call the Church of Jesus Christ false, he cannot take away the quiet whispering of the spirit I have felt from the Holy Ghost. No one can take that away from me, and therefore my faith is perfect in that thing. 

GO READ Alma 32!

In closing, I just want to say that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. We receive joy and purpose when we follow his example and have faith in our perfect Savior. I promise if you have faith in Jesus Christ and live like you believe you will be able to feel His love for you. Simple, but true!

Anyway, that is all I got for this week! I love you all! OOPS!

Elder Gochnour

Sunday, January 14, 2018

One bag of rice

So here are a few things that happened to sum up my week:

  • I was crossing the street like a normal human and this chick on a moto comes legit out of nowhere. Like on those Gatorade commercials where it says come out of nowhere she did that. I guess she didn't see me crossing the road because she nailed me hahahahaha. I landed on her moto and she was still holding the throttle so I tried to get up without putting both of us in danger, so for a second I just was kinda laying on top of the moto, chilling. Anyway, we both got up, dusted ourselves off, decided to call it splits and went on our way! Few scrapes and sores, but I think sometimes the Lord has a really funny sense of humor.
  • While we were riding the bus down to Phnom Penh I was feeling really sick, but that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was the AC vent above me started dripping and then starting pouring hahaha. I was bummed I didn't pack my rain jacket with me on the trip down. Raining on the BUS?
Anyway, things are still all good in the hood with Elder Gochnour! Our week got messed up because everyone had to go down to the city because of transfers, but it was really fun to be able to connect with everyone and to be able to talk to all the boys! I was sick (I will leave it at that) and so we got a late start to the day and couldn't get much done, but FridaySaturday, and Sunday we went to work! Elder Chaparro is a hard worker and we have already seen increased success in this area! There were lots of miracles that occurred!

The biggest miracle I think I have seen so far, started when we had the idea to try to contact all of the former investigators in the area book. I just called everyone and invited everyone to church. A few said they were interested and that they would come. 

Fast forward to Sunday. A man walks in with his son, walking with a very bad limp, truthfully hardly able to walk. I didn't get a chance to talk to him in sacrament and then he went to a different class second hour and left before we could converse with him. Luckily a member of our branch actually taught him and was one of the missionaries who found him so he could lead us to his house. 

We planned to meet with him that night and called him, but he said he was busy. We felt we should still go find his house anyway. Long story short we met Toic (or something like that in English) and he is by far the poorest man that I have ever met in my life. His wife left him and he has no money, no job, he can't use his legs, and he has a five-year-old son who is practically blind, because of a terrible eye disease. He showed us his "house" which had been flooded the night before. There was nothing but a covering, a mat, and lots of garbage everywhere. He told us how he had left at 7 AM to ride his hand bike to church because it took him two hours. He has been saving all his money to pay for surgery for his son and they had no food to eat on Sunday, but he still had decided that he was going to go to church so he got up early and started making the trek. He told us how he has to stop every twenty minutes or so just to rest his arms. On his way home from church, a lady handed him a bag of rice. Simple, but the answer to his need for dinner that night, a true miracle from our Heavenly Father. 

I will never forget the light he had in his eyes as he expressed gratitude for this gift of one bag of rice from God. Sitting in front of me was this man that had nothing, and yet the gratitude he showed and expressed to his Heavenly Father was more real and tangible than anything I had ever felt. I was someone who had everything, and yet this man seemed happier, more hopeful and more peaceful than I had ever been. It changed me. That experience is why I am here in this crazy country. You can't see things like that and not be changed forever. You can't hear the testimony of that man for his little gift of rice and not know that there is a loving God that will make everything fair. I could never deny the spirit I felt as I looked into the light of that mans eyes. The spirit was thick. God knows that man by name, and although things aren't fair for him now, he has the hope and knowledge of a life without hardship and pain. 

I just want to close by testifying that the gospel can change people. When I first got on my mission (not too long ago) I struggled to contemplate what blessings these people would receive for joining the church. I was thinking much too temporally. Although the changes are small, they are real. I have seen people open up, smiles grow and friendships form. It has changed my life. If I may echo the words similar to Elder Hoole- I am still the same me. I will still always cheer for the Duke Blue Devils and be upset if the Tar Heels beat them. I will always love going golfing with my dad and my brothers. I will always love having a sarcastic sense of humor. I may even watch the NFL on Sunday after my mission, but I will never forget the feelings that I have been felt in this country. I don't feel it all day every day and in fact, sometimes I might not even feel it at all, but this mission is changing me. Slowly, but surely. I can promise that God loves you. And if you try to be changed by his love you will be able to look back at all your efforts and see how much you have grown. 

Read the Book of Mormon. Call a friend. Tell someone you love someone. Make someone's bed. Write a letter. Compliment someone. And make a difference!

"Start by doing what is necessary. Then do what is possible and before you know it you will be doing what is impossible" Melinda Crandall

Joy in the journey,

Elder Gochnour

Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year 2018

Hey everyone!

We got transfer calls! I finally finished my training, and I am so happy because I will be staying in Battambang. I got called as District Leader which is scary and humbling all together, but I know that it is a call from the Lord so I will just try my best! My comp is Elder Chapparo and he will be one of the Zone Leaders for our zone. I am very excited for the work that is going on here in this crazy city and the future looks bright! 

Obviously, the sad news of the week was the passing of President Monson. He is an amazing example of service and love, and I know that he truly was a prophet of God. It was really interesting though because the day after his passing, I studied from the topical guide: Jesus Christ, Head of The Church. It really gave me comfort in knowing that although it is so sad to lose President Monson, I know that Christ is in charge. He will lead and guide us to happiness and peace if we put our trust in him. We must build our testimony on our Savior, the one who is perfect and who will never fail. I know that Jesus Christ stands at the helm of this amazing and true church. I am grateful for President Monson and happy that he is in a better place and no longer suffering. 

Last Monday we went to Phnom Simpov for P-Day and it was the coolest place! We explored caves that actually have a super sad past. But it was so cool to be on top of a mountain overlooking many Buddhist temples and statues and feel the reverence of this place. As we explored we walked up some stairs and there were monkeys walking passed us and then one of them stopped and hissed at Elder Peck. The monkey grabbed his pants and lunged at him, but didn't bite which was good. We all made it safely up the stairs. A little later I was trying to take a picture of one, and it made eye contact with me AND started coming at me, but I got away haha. Monkeys are NUTS! It was a fun and funny adventure (and yes even a little bit scary).

We also had a baptism on Saturday!!! It was a fun, but crazy experience. On Thursday we interviewed our investigator and he told of something that meant he would have to be interviewed by the Mission President. Luckily, President Christensen was in Battambang doing training so we worked out an emergency interview and he passed. 

And then on Saturday I and Elder Obray were on another exchange (two trainees) and both of our investigators were getting baptized, but our comps were in Siem Riep. We had to do our best to organize the baptism and stall it so that they could make it back in time, but the Lord helped us out and everything fell into place right at the end. The baptism was awesome. The man was baptized by his son.  Everyone in their family was a member except the Father. The wife was overjoyed and it made me so happy to see the love that they have for each other and the blessing of the gospel in their lives. I feel really blessed to have grown up in a family where that was so readily available. I know that all the little coincidences that occurred came from the Lord watching over us.

I also had an interview with President and Sister Christensen and learned so much from them. They leave it all on the field (sports reference) and they really have helped built the church here in Cambodia. I love them and am grateful for their example. 

This week was also BOILING HOT like the hottest I have been the whole mission! And also we found out who our new Mission President is gonna be and he is from AZ so maybe he knows Elder Owen!?

Anyway, that is it from me! 

My challenge this week is to reflect upon experiences in your life where you have felt the spirit or learned the truth of a gospel principle. It seems like out here on the mission everyone has these crazy powerful stories, experiences, and testimonies, and I just feel like I have had 18 years of going to church and knowing that it is right. I am trying to remember the moments where I received my own confirmation of the truth of this gospel and I invite you to do the same. ALSO, read the Book of Mormon. Thanks for the love, prayers, and support! 

#churchistrue #thebesttwoyears #justmormonthings #hatecauseyouaint #missionarymoms #LDS #YUP!

Love,  Elder Gochnour

Tuesday, January 2, 2018



I haven't talked to you guys since last year... (classic Jr. High joke) so what the heck is up?

I will tell you what is up with me: contacting! This week was an awesome one, but kinda a sad one too. Sad because I just want everyone in the world to accept the message of hope from the gospel, but unfortunately it doesn't work out that way. We dropped one of our investigators, who was SO READY and has learned all the lessons, but we saw him drinking beer and now he won't meet with us. Super sad! Then we had to drop a ton of other investigators and then it seems like everyone that we didn't drop went to the city for the New Year!

So anyway we spent a lot of time hitting the dirt roads searching for people to teach. My favorite thing about contacting is the tender mercies that you really come to recognize when you are walking around for hours. One example: we were heading to a meeting at the church after talking to a lot of people that weren't interested, and I rolled up on this homie repping a DUKE hat! I was so pumped! I got a pick with him and told him to keep repping because BLUE DEVIL NATION baby! We found a lot of great people though and hopefully we can follow up with them next week. Another small miracle: after a full day under the sun we headed back to the church and a guy came in and said that he wanted to learn about the church. We spend so much time out and about and didn't find anyone, and then this homie just pulls up and is interested. The Lord knew that we were trying and he still wanted to reward us. Tender mercies YUP!

I don't have too many specific exciting stories this week. One of our investigators came to church with his child who had a soiled diaper and then he let him sit with us for the whole sacrament meeting haha pretty brutal. The primary program was yesterday and it was the best thing ever! On Christmas, we ate ham, rolls, baked potatoes, and green beans. It reminded me of a good old Sunday dinner at Grandpa Gochnour's. We had a service project where we cleaned up trash for three hours and it was really fun to spend time with the young men and young women. They are awesome.  We got to watch the Christmas devotional and I felt the spirit very strong. Christmas was different. It felt a little lonely not hanging with the whole gang, but it felt right because my focus was the Savior. He is the reason for the season.

Anyway, I am just rambling and I don't really know what else to say... I promise I work hard all week, but I sit down at these run-down computers and I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night. I will just end with two challenges this week:
1. Set goals- You aren't going to achieve every goal that you set. Actually to be honest I don't know if I have even achieved one goal that I have set hahaha. Example: We set a goal to baptize 12 people in training. We are probably only going to get 3 maybe 4. Not exactly what we wanted, but the most important thing is that you try to reach it. Any progress made is good progress. Be optimistic. If you don't fulfill your goal today then do it tomorrow. We have the potential to eventually become like our Heavenly Father, a perfect, all-powerful being. Keep that in mind. Every step whether small or big toward that ultimate goal is a step in the right direction. Just try your best!!!!!!!!!
2. Go to the topical guide and study the scriptures under the topic: Jesus Christ, Exemplar. I have been working hard to study every topic relating to Jesus Christ in the topical guide. I invite you to at least study Exemplar and ponder what it means to follow his perfect example in your life. Here is a start, John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Anyway, that is all I got for this week. Shout out to Elder Smith for his birthday 2 weeks ago! Shout out to the DOM Squad for spreading this glorious message! Shout out to the D.T.I! Shout out to the Running Utes and Blue Devils! Shout out to the JAZZ. Shout out to the Titans for being number 1 in the State. Shout out to my family for being the best family ever! Thanks for all the love and support. Catch ya next week!

//Elder Gochnour