Well, the only shout out that is worth giving is to the big, soon to be grandpa, 59-year-old man, named JEFF!!! What a legend! If anyone has some extra time send him a happy birthday because he deserves it. I love you, Dad! Thanks for being my role model and paving the way.
Lets cut right to the chase! Another week down in the lovely city of Battambang! A few things that happened this week:
- We had a FHE with the whole district of Battambang (3 branches) and it was a great time. We spent all of our companion study and lunchtime making some authentic, Italian cuisine. Spaghetti! I was basically chef Ratatouille cooking up that tasty red sauce oops! Hahaha (Lucy, you would have been proud!) It was fun to make something that was kinda American. That night I stuffed myself with all different types of Khmer food! I love every single member of our district!
- On Wednesday I was cutting carrots and I bit into a big carrot and I broke my retainer... I was kinda like "OK what am I supposed to do now?" We found this ghetto dentist place and this guy just opens up my mouth and went to WORK! He could give Bishop O'brien a run for his money (jokes)! He actually did a great job, and I handed him a $10 dollar bill and all is good.
- We play chess every night as a companionship and I am still holding the title as reigning champ. Elder Chaparro almost had me, but I was able to stalemate him and we called it a draw. We are trying to get good so we can play the Cambodian's at Khmer chess, finding things to have in common with them.
- I did a baptismal interview for this guy who is basically deaf and it was an awesome experience. The other Elders helped me out and wrote out all the questions and he knew all the answers, but if he was ever confused I had to try to yell to get him to understand. Picture me yelling in broken Khmer, it is a pretty funny image. He has an amazing story of faith that I will have to tell later.
The big news was that I was able to baptize Sela! He is the self-referral He has always been super prepared and I feel lucky that I was able to be a part of his seeking. We had to postpone his baptism until Sunday, but when church started on Sunday he wasn't there, so I was stressing a ton, but he came in late and everything worked out well!
The baptism went smooth and when he got up to bear his testimony he told a crazy story. He said that after the first few times we met, he prayed to Heavenly Father in order to know if what we were teaching is true. He didn't get an answer, but he just got the feeling that he shouldn't worry about it and that he should just go to bed. He said that as soon as he went to bed he started having this vivid, insane dream. It was super detailed and long, but long story short he was walking on the ocean and then all of the sudden millions of people started to appear in the water. They were all telling him what he should do, and he was confused, but there were two that were giving off light. They were glowing. They said that what he was learning was true. He knew that those two people were me and my companion who he was meeting with and he knew it was true. The real dream was way better than that, but it is kinda confusing and hard to explain, but the important part is that God works in miraculous ways. The Cambodian people always have these crazy dreams, and it was pretty crazy to listen to him standing there bearing his testimony on this crazy story.
Also, we had zone conference and it was super good! Lately, I have been so worried about what to do to be the best missionary. The best ways to use my time, best methods of finding, most effective way to teach, etc. I stress myself out and get so caught up in the auxiliary of the missionary work. President and Sister Christensen reminded us that this is the work of our Savior!!!! Don't ever forget that. If I go out and do my best every single day, no matter what happens, the Lord promises that he will be with me. The most important thing is that I just try my hardest and give my all. I listen to the spirit and do all I can and then God will make up the differences. That is what I am working on right now! Stop worrying about "the how so much" and worry about the WHY! For the salvation of these amazing people that NEED this gospel in there life.
Anyway, I love you all so much! FLY EAGLES FLY! Cheering for the Eagles this upcoming Sunday, halfway across the world (sorry Briggs). I hope everyone has a great week! The Book of Mormon was given to Joseph Smith in the northern hemisphere on September 22, the day that begins the harvest festival. Coincidence? No. The field is white all ready to harvest and this is our tool! Read it! (Mosiah 18)
Goodnight Big Al
//Elder Gochnour
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