Monday, October 15, 2018

Conference Cookies

This week was awesome! I love being a missionary

So obviously the highlight of the week was General Conference. No questions asked. Nothing better than watching the servants of the Lord just preach elegant words of hope and happiness! Not a better feeling in the world knowing that as we listen to these amazing men and woman it is like we are listening to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ speaking directly to us. Pretty powerful stuff. If I were to talk about all the things I learned, all the talks I liked and the spirit that I felt as I watched that historic General Conference, then I would spend the whole week typing and not doing any missionary work so I will have to pass. I will say that my favorite talk has to be from the man Elder Uchtdorf (like my good friend Elder McDougal). BELIEVE, LOVE AND DO MY FRIENDS!!!!!!! That is all that matters! If we do those three things all the problems in our life will be swallowed up in the service of others and in that hope that the Atonement of Jesus Christ gives us! Don't complicate it. Simply believe, love and do.

We also had two cool experiences that happened this week with our investigators:

One guy that we just randomly met on the street and didn't seem very hopeful changed his entire countenance. We went over there on a hot, stuffy morning with a plan to teach the restoration. As we started talking to him he revealed that his father had died and that he felt pretty hopeless in life because he didn't have any money and his wife had left him. One thing that I really need to work on is not getting impatient when people complain to me haha, and I tried to just really listen to the spirit. We felt instead of the story of the restoration, that we should share about the Plan of Salvation and it was one of the most powerful lessons ever. All his concerns and his desire for worldly possessions from a Christian church faded away and he simply wanted to live with his father again, as he heard about God's wonderful Plan of Happiness. Our doubtful investigator went to conference and seems ready to try to follow Jesus Christ in his life.

The second story I want to share was conference inspired. It comes from a story about a temple experience with President Hinckley that the speaker had (forgot his name sorry). I love how he said that like a temple built by the Church, we must build a foundation that can withstand anything.  Most houses in Cambodia are simply built with cement and bricks and if there was an earthquake here, I believe the whole country would come crashing down haha. But not the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We build on a foundation that is sturdy and able to withstand whatever comes our way. My companion and I felt that in an impromptu spiritual thought after English class we should share that temple story and then shared this scripture from 3rd Nephi 14:
24 Therefore, whoso heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, 
I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock—
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew,
 and beat upon that house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them 
not shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand—
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, 
and beat upon that house; and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
One of the men in our class really related with what we said and felt that it was time to build his life on a firm foundation that will never let us fall. We told him about his Heavenly Father and hopefully, he can continue to build a firm foundation!

Other things:
  • AC went out during general conference and I almost tossed in the towel. Couldn't focus for about 2 straight talks haha

  • Saw a lady in a moto accident and her leg destroyed. Her flesh was everywhere on the road and she definitely was not walking it off. I am glad the Lord protects me here or else I would be a little more worried.

Anyway, that is all I got. GO, TITANS! WE GOT THE ROCK BOYYYYY! Also, go Utes and Jazz too. 

Love you all and Joy in the Journey. Believe, Love, Do!

Elder Gochnour

Brownies made with no pan!

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