Tuesday, May 29, 2018

1 Week, 2 General Authorities

Missionary Conference May 2018
To start off I just want to give a few very special shout outs. First to my boy Elder Ference just dominating in Thailand with the big Bday on Saturday! South East Asia repping! And of course, SHOUT OUT to the one and only Mary Anne Tidwell turning 19 on Sunday! Everyone send her some love because she deserves it. One year older and wiser too! Happy birthday MARY!
This week was pretty amazing and filled with a lot of meetings. 

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to have Elder Bednar and Elder Evans come to our mission. 
We had a mission conference with every single missionary and it was so fun to see everyone and to feel that we all have for each other in a small chapel room in Cambodia. It was pretty amazing to hear from Elder Bednar. He is brilliant and knows how to teach and testify by the spirit. I was amazed at the doctrine that came out of his mouth and the things that we learned in only a short 3 hours. He also didn't just give a talk, but we had a discussion and it really was just an amazing experience. I learned so much and I don't know if I will ever have the opportunity to be in a room with two general authorities of the Lord with less than 100 people. Pretty fantastic. I can personally testify that my testimony of the organization and the elect calling of Elder Bednar was strengthened in only three short hours. He truly is a chosen servant of the Lord. 

That night we had the chance to take two investigators to hear him and Elder Evans speak again, this time to the Cambodian people. It was again amazing to hear their words of wisdom. They talked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy, paying tithing and preparing to be the people that will be able to maintain a temple years after it has been built. I love one thing he mentioned, "The Lord hasn't given us a list of do's and don'ts for what we can and cannot do on Sunday. He trusts us to use our agency for good. If we are ever questioning whether we are keeping the Sabbath day holy we need only ask ourselves, "Would Jesus Christ be proud of me doing this?"" 

I really loved what they shared. We also had a chance to have Stake conference with all of the North Stake in Cambodia! It was awesome and we again got to hear from another general authority, but I forgot his name. I especially loved hearing the testimonies of my mission president and his wife, and the love they have for the Cambodian people. I love them too! We somehow managed to get ten investigators at the meeting which was a miracle because it was at the stake building (sometimes difficult to get the word out and explain directions), but thankfully it all worked out. On top of all that I had my last interview with President and Sister Christensen before they go home. They are amazing people and have positively impacted my life in so many ways. I learn so much when I talk to them. They will be missed! I loved hearing their words of wisdom and life advice that hopefully I can apply and become a better missionary and person!
Well other than all the big meetings it was a pretty regular week! Here are some funny things about the week: 

Because it was my companion's one year mark, me and Elder Shumway (homie) decided to make him the best breakfast in the world. Elder Shumway tossed together a delicious pancake and I made some eggs, toast, and brown sugar oatmeal for him. He was gonna eat like a king. However, halfway through his breakfast he just felt way sick and was pretty much out for the whole day. Luckily it was weekly planning so we didn't miss any proselyting, but I think I almost killed my companion. Sometimes serving doesn't always end up how you thought it would..... (we think he got sick because he ate pizza and he is allergic to dairy, but it was a funny coincidence)
We went golfing for an Elder's birthday and it was way dope! I felt like Tiger just getting my stroke back! I was actually just kinda terrible, but it was a very fun time. The funny part about this story was that one of the guys accidentally threw his club into the water we were hitting into... Great!!!
Well other than that things are great! Golfing was a blast and we played soccer today and I was basically just Hope Solo protecting the goal out there! We have a lot of awesome investigators that can always go to church, but they can only meet Saturday and Sunday, so sometimes things feel slow, but they are actually very good. Because it is hamburger day there is a deal for 5 burgers for 5 dollars at Carls Jr.!!!!!!!! You know where I am eating for the next three days. Also, because they are splitting the ward we have 6 Elders in just one ward haha. Imagine that. I hardly ever saw ANY elders back home and now there are 6 of us in one ward.
To end the letter I just want to share an amazing scripture that Elder Evans talked about. 

Ether 3:11: 'And the Lord said unto him: Believest thou the words which I SHALL speak?'

What an interesting question. The Lord asked the brother of Jared if he believed what the Lord was going to speak. Do we have that same faith as the brother of Jared? Are we willing to perfectly adhere to the words of our beloved prophet and apostles? Some might think that doing whatever is asked of us by President Nelson is ignorance or blind faith, rather I believe that it is faith enough to trust the Lord and all that He does for us. All that he will reveal for us. Do we believe the words that the Lord will speak? I sure hope I can strengthen my faith adequately enough to be able to trust the voice of our Heavenly no matter what the circumstance is. No matter what storms or trials come! 

That is all I got. Lebron is a legend. I love my mission, my family, and my Savior.
Elder Gochnour


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