Monday, May 21, 2018

An Elect Convict

What a week, what a week! No pink eye or disease this week so things are great! 
We had an awesome week: nothing too exciting except some raw missionary work which is better anyway. 

Story of the week: 

There was a man who had been in jail for ten years, which truthfully his sentence was fifteen, but because of good behavior this man got let out five years early. Three stolen motorcycles and five years for each one. He went into jail with a wife and two kids, and a pretty regular life. Fast forward ten years. This same man lost his wife who went and married someone else and lost contact with his two children. He lives in his little sister's house, but he is unwelcome there, and yet this man is happy. 

He is happy because while in prison he was able to find hope through our Savior, Jesus Christ. He became sufficiently humble to seek after a loving Heavenly Father and find peace in Him. This man is named Lina and was let out of prison two Thursdays ago. That Sunday he found a church and entered, finally able to worship after so many longs years in a desolate Cambodian prison. The Elders there referred him to us because he lives in our area. Lina is an amazing man and has such a desire to learn more about the Savior. On top of all that it has been incredible to teach him because he is extremely knowledgeable in the Bible, but now he has an even better chance through another testament of Jesus Christ, The Book Of Mormon. He attended all three hours of church on Sunday and he truly is elect. He has been such a blessing in our lives and I really have come to know the meaning of the scripture, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." 

This man has made mistakes and so has had to suffer in prison for 10 years and lose all that he had.  He has become poor in spirit, sufficient enough to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ in his life. Blessed are the poor in spirit because the Kingdom of Heaven is happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.

Other than that we had a pretty regular week! We had two baptisms for an 8-year-old named Raymond, whose parent are not members, but his grandmother is, however it still is a convert baptism because his Grandma lives in America now. We also had a baptism for a 17-year-old girl named Srey Pin. I really have seen the blessings that have come in her life from following the gospel because before she said she always felt so lonely and now she feels like she has so many friends. 
Living according to Christ's gospel can make you happy! I know that without a doubt in my mind. 
It was awesome to see those two enter the waters of baptism. 

I got to see everyone at transfers which was pretty awesome because there are so many amazing missionaries here that I have become such good friends with. Also funny story: We are teaching another 17-year-old girl named Cing Choan who really has a desire to change her life, but she was devastated when we taught her the word of wisdom. She said that she would try her best, but I have never seen someone take it so hard, she was almost crying. In the end, she said she was willing to follow the Word of Wisdom even though it would be hard. 

I don't know when the rainy season actually starts because everyone says something different here, but I am pretty sure it is the rainy season because it just POURS every day and leaves the streets flooded. I have submerged my feet into a flooded street while biking probably five times in the last week! 
Fun adventures though.

Lastly, Elder Bednar comes tomorrow which is gonna be legit! I am so pumped. I have been studying his talks and trying to prepare spiritually for him. LET'S GO! 

Also, I was taking the sacrament and I realized the significance of Jesus Christ's eternal sacrifice. Everyone in the whole world could partake of the sacrament every week if they believed. These blessings are available to EVERYONE because the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ are limitless. Pretty cool realization. JOY IN THE JOURNEY! I love my mission and the Cambodian people and my Savior and all of you! Shout out to all the people preparing to go on a mission. Read the Book of Mormon and gain a testimony of it

Also, the Jazz picking up another Dukie, you betcha! 

Elder Gochnour

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