Wednesday, March 27, 2019

People Matter

This week we had zone conference in Battambang and it was probably the last time that I will ever be able to go there until I end my mission and come back to visit. The sweetest part about all of it was the fact that I was able to do an exchange in my old area that I once spend so much time and so many long days sharing the gospel. I learned from this gifted day the importance of relationships in this life. YOU DON"T TAKE ANYTHING WITH YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE FROM THIS LIFE. The only things that we get to take are the memories we have and the relationships that we make. 

Biking around Battambang and meeting again with some of the amazing people who had the courage to become members of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints was something that I will never forget. There is no sweeter feeling then seeing someone that you haven't met for so long and then coming back in contact with them, with a warm embrace. Those are the moments that you cherish forever. I could write a novel about every single one of those special people\ children of God, but I will have to save the stories for later. 

Another thing that was so cool and amazing to see after being away for so long was the effect that the gospel has had in those people's lives. Sometimes we can't see in when we are with them in the moment, but after a year and a half I can tangibly see the difference from those that have been faithful in this gospel and those that have lost their way for whatever reason. What an amazing testimony builder to know that the gospel ACTUALLY works and ACTUALLY changes peoples lives. 

Anyway other than that it was just another amazing week in the kingdom of paradise. It is SO HOT and we still ride out bikes SO FAR every day, but we are loving it. I have lost a few pounds so it is all for the better. Our investigators are doing awesome and we are hoping to have some baptisms this week, but Satan always tries his hardest at the times that are most important, so keep them in your prayers! 

That is all I have for this week. I invite all of you to read the talk Oh Be Genuine by Elder Uchtdorf or the talk Lift where you Stand.  They are both amazing. 

My favorite scripture I read this week and one thing that we are trying to focus on in our mission is in 4 Nephi 17:17 "There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God."

We are all one in Jesus Christ! We are all trying our best to follow Him. So may we look around us and help our brothers and sisters in this path to eternal life. I love you all! I am so grateful for this gospel and I know that it can change lives. I love my savior Jesus Christ and I have a testimony of Him and His perfect life.


Elder Gochnour

here are some other highlights of the week that my comp wrote about that I didn't have time to so shoutout to Elder Richardson for helping me out:

"apparently now here in Cambodia, all around the country they're out of electricity idk how that is a thing but apparently it is so they're doing rolling blackouts hahaha  - Every day they'll shut the power off from the morning till the afternoon except a couple nights ago it shut off for a few hours at night and I just woke up sweating NOT FUN !  I guess it's from a lack of rain??   This whole country runs on hydroelectric stuff but we got a lil rain so hopefully that clears up ??   

Our mission president and wife and a senior couple were coming back to Siem Reap from the zone conference to do district conference with the two branches up here in Siem Reap and we got to drive with them and also meet Elder Subiantoro from Indosesia who's a new Area 70 and he's way dope. 

Sister Lewis our mission president's wife had a dream of seeing some waterfalls so drove to see waterfalls this morning!! They were about an hour and a half away from the city  - I've seen some waterfalls in my life but this one was definitely the prettiest."  

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