Friday, April 5, 2019

The Chains are Unleashed

Hello everyone!

Let's cut to the chase and skip my sad excuses for jokes: 

We were able to be a part of some baptisms this week which is always an amazing experience. Quick explanation of those that were baptized: Srey Nong and her brother Nathan are children of a part member family. Their mother was just baptized recently and the kids loved going to church with her and had a chance to get baptized! 

Heab is the daughter-in-law of a member and we had the chance to teach and baptize her son two transfers ago. By a miracle she was able to get her marriage certificate and her little cute family is my favorite. 

Sokhun is our golden investigator that I have talked about recently and she is one of the most prepared people I have ever met in my mission. It is amazing to see how far she has come from about 2 months ago when we first talked to her on the side of a dirt road, and see the hope and joy she has in this gospel. Whenever she had doubts or questions or was hesitant she always would say, "I always had a feeling of warmth inside, and that's how I know it is true." 

And then lastly was this younger girl named Kimleang who is the niece of a really strong member. Her mom was hesitant about her joining the church, but because God is a God of miracles he was able to soften her mother's heart and allow her to get baptized. 

It was an amazing day and maybe one of the most spirit filled days of my life. 'These are days never to be forgotten.' I think my favorite part about the whole thing was that it wasn't just about us and the investigators, every one of the investigators had a direct relation to a member except one, Sokhun, and for her, she had the best member relations out of any investigator I have ever worked with. It felt like the baptism service was just a big happy party. Just like one big family of members welcoming in those they love and care about so much. Welcoming the lost sheep into their fold of the meek and loving members. I think one of my favorite moments of the day was when Heab got up to bear her testimony she started crying a lot. She is a very humble, and reserved person, not to mention that crying publicly isn't much of a cultural thing here. It was so touching how much this gospel means to her and to her little family. Our other investigator Sokhun got up and hugged her, and it was one of those moments where everyone in the room just kinda says, "aww"

I apologize because that paragraph does such a poor job of expressing how amazing it was to be apart of all of that, and it does a poor job of expressing how much I love this work. I can testify with all my heart that I do love this work with and I know that it is the work of the Lord. I know that it is all because of God that amazing things like this happen. I was studying a little bit about the mercy of God recently and I came across something that stuck with me. It comes from the True to the Faith book, "Every blessing you receive is an act of mercy, more than you could ever merit on your own.
Mormon taught, “All things which are good cometh of Christ; otherwise men were fallen, and there could no good thing come unto them” (Moroni 7:24). 
For example, you are a recipient of divine mercy when Heavenly Father hears and answers your prayers, when you receive guidance from the Holy Ghost, and when you are healed from sickness through priesthood power. Although all such blessings come as results of your obedience, you could never receive them through your efforts alone. They are merciful gifts from a loving and compassionate Father"

I am so grateful for the Mercy of our loving Heavenly Father, especially that He was merciful enough to put me here in this country and to be serving these people. They mean so much to me. I am so grateful that He was merciful enough to allow us to be apart of this week. May we all be a little bit more grateful for the mercy of God.

I love you all!

Elder Gochnour

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