This week was an absolute grind, but a good one!!
Elder Cunningham had to go down to the city again, but this time with the other zone leader because they had exchanges with the AP's. Keeping the streak running. Every week down to the city. Things were good though! I went on another exchange with Elder Everett and it was a fun time. It was kinda distressing though because even though we were supposed to be working in both of our areas, we spent almost the whole time in his. I had a little bit of, "a what the heck am I doing here?" moment, but you just gotta keep plugging along! I have the same desire as Alma to declare repentance with the sound of a trump like in Alma 29:1-4, but most of the time it doesn't work out that way. We had some success at the end of the week so that was a blessing.
On the exchange, we were biking from deep in my area, all the way to the opposite side of his area. I was caught in my thoughts and we were just hauling on this busy road. This moto couldn't see the main road because there was a semi truck parked on a corner and he just tried to shoot the gap and turn left onto the main road. Of course, he just shot out right in front of me and I literally had no time to react so I just T-boned him. I went full Olympics and did a front flip over the handlebars, but somehow I literally had one scratch on my body. The Lord really does protect his servants. I just told the guy it was all good and we shook hands and went on our way. It was a pretty funny experience just to help me laugh at myself for a little bit. My bike kinda got wrecked, but all good! Also, Elder Cunningham and I made a basketball hoop out of a garbage can and a plastic bag, and we play ball every night.
As far as the work goes, things are good! Lee Meng is on track to be baptized this Saturday. The golden ticket is BACK (haha an earlier guy we found)! We visited him again and is going to start learning with us! We have lots of hope for him. We also found a new baller named Newt and he came to church even though we had only met him once. Things are looking up!
The best thing that I heard this week was a quote from Elder Everett while I was on an exchange with him. He said that his grandpa always told him,
"Life is like a buffet. If you leave hungry,
that is your fault!"
How true is that! Often times we go throughout life just trying to hold on, thinking that things will get better in the future. Sometimes I wish that I could be back home watching March Madness, but that is just me selling myself short. Whatever phase of life or situation we are in we must make the most of it. We must indulge ourselves in the joys and the people that surround us. We must feast upon the tender mercies that the Lord gives us in our lives, every single day. We must savor the hard times and make the most of them. We must swallow our pride and try to live humbly. If we do all of those things then we can taste the fruits of our labors and live happily. Life truly is a buffet. We have the choice to enjoy all the experiences, whether they be difficult or easy, sour or sweet, and make the most of them.
Don't leave hungry!!!!
I could go on and on with the puns but I think you get the point. Life is like a buffet. I am trying every day to make sure I go home full!
We had interviews this week with President and it was pretty amazing. He helped answer my questions and lit the fire under me to keep working hard and doing my best.
Elder Gochnour
P.P.S my favorite kid in KC we call hug kid. We went and visited him and his family and he will always give us hugs if he sees us. Unfortunately, when we visited him he was naked. It definitely didn't stop him from giving us hugs and sitting on our laps haha. What a baller!