Monday, March 5, 2018

The Golden Ticket


Another great week out here in the big KC baby! On Thursday for Weekly Planning we organized our whiteboard with all the information on our area and gave every single person an NBA player counterpart. It was way funny haha. Our two best investigators are Kawhi and Lebron haha and then our PI investigators are young ballers, the members are Hall of Famers, and the Less Actives are the biggest busts haha (Greg Oden). It definitely helped spice up our week from the long days with lots of contacting. On a basketball note, Elder Cunningham and I also came up with every starting five we could think of. Meaning, the starting five best white guys of all time, most overrated starting five, most athletic, over 7 foot, oriental, under 6 foot, thug starting five and everything in between. My favorite was the scriptural character starting five. Goliath was definitely the starting center. 

We also did missionary work this week too! (much more important) It is pretty cool because our two main investigators are some of the strongest members of our branch and they haven't even been baptized yet. They are rock solid. One of them (Leemeng) (Lebron) gave the other one a tie and they both wear white shirts and ties to church. It is pretty cool to see how big of a positive impact they are having on the branch. Speaking of, we had a miracle with Pu Lee Meng this week. We had a tough lesson on tithing, but he eventually agreed to follow the law of tithing. The next morning he saw a guy outside his house begging for money, and he is very kind so he gave them twice as much money as he asked for (50 cents instead of 25). That same day he found two ($1.25) bills on the ground and therefore he gave away fifty cents but got two dollars and fifty cents in return. Exactly like the law of tithing. God works in mysterious ways.

This week we were just trying to get something going and we were literally going down every single back road that we could possibly see just to try to meet some new people. Right as we were about to lose all hope and just toss in the towel, a high school kid on a moto rode passed us into his house. Immediately after Elder Cunningham said "He is the Golden Ticket," and my first thought was of the Office episode where Michael has the Golden Ticket idea hahah, but after that we went and talked to him and he was a boss! He lives in a house with five other kids that are all around 20 years of age. Although they did not seem to be extremely interested in learning about Christ they showed some interest and they were very kind. We went back the next day and Tiara (the golden ticket) played some Khmer songs on the guitar and he is probably the best singer I have ever heard. He was SO GOOD! We didn't have much time to teach a lesson, but we have a lot of hope for those guys so I will keep you posted!

This week I read the scripture in D&C 58: 16 that reads, "Behold his mission is given unto him, and it shall not be given again." And it kinda lit the fire under me again! I gotta get going because in a year and a half this whole mission thing is over and it is on to the rest of my life, so I better make the most of the time that I have here! 

My spiritual thought for this week is for everyone to go listen to or read the talk called "Oh Lord Keep My Rudder True" by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. Please read it or listen to it. Are you loyal to the cause? Are you loyal to your beliefs? How do you show your loyalty? Loyalty is one quality that is really underrated. Imagine a perfectly loyal world. We must first know where we stand, what we believe in and the standards we hold, and after we figure that out it all comes down to loyalty. Are you your brother's brother? Anyway just listen to it because it is straight FLAMES!

Joy in the journey, hope in the hardship and peace in the peril. That is what Jesus Christ can offer all of us. I know he lives. Read the Book of Mormon and you will too.

// Elder Gochnour

P.S. I went to Auntie Anne's and bought a Shaq jersey when we went down to the city on Wednesday to fix Elder Cunningham's Visa, again. Long story short it was a good week!

P.P.S Shout out to the Titans and the Blue Devils! Undefeated season baby! That's what I like to hear! TTTE

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