Monday, June 25, 2018

Khmer Week!

Hello people!

Go World Cup! I wish I could cheer for America or Cambodia, but neither of them is in it so my big is Denmark! YAGA! Kevin De Bruyner about to eat.

This week was an interesting one and I have zero time so here is what happened:
  • On Saturday our two baptisms that were supposed to happen this week suddenly just fell through. One of our investigator's mother suddenly passed away which is very heartbreaking, and another went to his province. Rough stuff, but things are still going well in our area! Just kinda how life is!
  • We got transfer calls and I will be in the same area and I will be comps with a guy named Elder Pov who is a native. I am super excited and I am hoping that he can help me speak Khmer a little bit better. We have a lot of work ahead of us this transfer and it seems like we don't have time to get everything done, but I think that if we proselyte by the spirit we will have lots of success.
  • Khmer Week was this week.  We put away all American food and snacks and went full Khmer! Rice or noodles for every meal and only bananas for snacks. It was a fun time haha although my stomach wasn't feeling it. We even ate some Duck Embryo which was actually pretty tasty and some chicken foot made by our neighbors in a very good soup! 
  • Here is a quick funny story: We were waiting for our investigators to come to church so we just started trying to usher people into the church from off the road. Sadly we had no success except a guy on a moto who thought we were asking for a ride. You gotta love being a missionary
I am happy and I know that Jesus Christ lives and governs this church. I know that although every day isn't the most spiritual and life-altering, I do know that this gospel can change peoples lives. This church is true. I have been reading a lot in the New Testament and I especially love the simplicity of the verse in John 14:15 "if you love me keep my commandments!" If we really love God we must show it by our actions. We must live according to His commandments in order to have his spirit and follow His perfect plan that he has for us!!!

Also, my favorite scripture is Moroni 7:41 so go give it a read and think about it for a good minute

Joy in the Journey!  

Love Elder G

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