Sunday, January 6, 2019

No Subject

I sit down and then I just forget everything that has happened to me in the past month, so I can't really inform you what has happened because I don't know myself. I will do my best.

On New Years we had another ward party! It was awesome! Scope the pics because I was just "Chef Harden" out there cooking! I don't really do anything to help haha, but I got to stir the curry so that was fun. (and P.S. I did find a pig's tooth in my soup so maybe not such a good Chef after all?) 

All the members here are awesome.  One of my favorite things that I have come to appreciate on my mission is the importance of just sitting down with people and having a conversation with them. Just a genuine get to know you chat. We all have stories to tell, and I just missed out on so many family & friend's stories and listening opportunities because I was too lazy or too tied into my phone to talk to people back home!

The missionary work here is pretty good! Kinda slow and a lot of biking, but that is kinda how it always is haha! Never ideal as you want it to be of course, but still the most glorious work of all. The highlight of the week was when we were able to find a family that seems pretty interested in learning about the gospel! Last week or so we decided to contact by the riverside and because we are in a trio, we tried to talk to three different people at once while we were still all by each other. Productivity! It didn't work out too well and we only managed to get one phone number from this nice guy that I talked to. We didn't think much of it but thought we might as well give him a shot. We called and asked him where his house was and he said it is by this place named "Top Town". Directions are kinda hard here because there are no addresses and no smartphones to find things at your fingertips so we just headed in the general direction and started asking around. Every time we asked someone if they knew Top Town was, they always started to act weird and some of the people even laughed. When we got really close we asked another guy and he just started cracking up and so we asked the guy what Top Town was. It turns out that is is a club... hahah. All those people thought we were trying to go to some club/brothel. Funny side story, but anyway we found the family and they were pretty interested and showed some hope! 

I think my favorite part of the week was when we had some free time and so we decided to just swing by this members house. They are a Filipino family so kind! We just felt like we should go over there and give them a visit and it turns out that it was the son's birthday! He came running out and I asked him how his birthday had been and he responded "Not very good." He hadn't had the best B-day because his mom had been sick and his dad was away working. We didn't do much just chatted with him and bought him some treats at the small shop by his house, seemingly insignificant to us. However, after we spent some time with him and asked him to say a prayer before we left, he thanked God for sending us (the missionaries) for making his day better! 

We can take no credit in anything that we did, and even though it was something small it was such a big testimony builder that yes baptisms and numbers and all that stuff is important. But those moments that we spent with Jaquim helped me realize that first God loves and cares for each of His children and that often times we are the means to helping Him accomplish His perfect purposes. And second, you can't measure success and devotion by numbers. That little moment with my man Jaquim is the reason we are here! To simply help, serve and love others! 

Hopefully, I will have some more exciting stories next week! I know that Jesus is the Christ and that He stands at the head of this Church! 

Also, everyone please read the talk called, "A Summer with Great-Aunt Rose" by Elder Uchtdorf. It is so good! My favorite line is this, "Eva was silent, so Great-Aunt Rose continued: “There is enough that doesn’t go right in life so anyone can work themselves into a puddle of pessimism and a mess of melancholy. But I know people who, even when things don’t work out, focus on the wonders and miracles of life. These folks are the happiest people I know.”

I love you all! Joy in the Journey!

Elder Gochnour

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