I would like to sincerely apologize for not writing a weekly letter for the past two weeks. Things just get really busy and I will see you all in about 3 or so months anyway so I will just talk to you then.
Jokes jokes! Well there is no possible way I can update you on everything that has happened for the past three weeks but here are some highlights of this week!
The first big news is..... we are getting SMARTPHONES! Who would have thought that the Kingdom of Cambodia of all places would now be on the internet! I guess it makes sense because some people can't even afford a house over their head, but yet somehow they have a smartphone so I guess we better hop on the bandwagon! We had a two-hour face time conference with the missionary department and the phones will roll out in June for our whole mission! The good news is we get to be the ones that test the phones so we will be getting smartphones this week! I guess that means catch me on Facebook lol.
Other than that I was able to go on an exchange with Elder Bailey and Elder Cope the last two weeks. I think one of the biggest lessons I have learned on my mission is how cool everyone actually is if you just get to know them! Literally, this world is just filled with cool amazing people and we can learn so much from them if we just take the time to get to know them.
The work here is going awesome! I love our branch so much. Over the past couple of years, it has been struggling, but the small band of members (especially the relief society) are some of the strongest I have ever seen in my life. I could write an individual email about how faithful every single one is, and they are so willing to serve and help. I love Cambodia. We set a goal to try to get 70 people to a sacrament meeting this transfer and we got 65 yesterday which was a miracle!
The work is rolling forward! The title of this email is in reference to how we proselyte every day! Our area is just full of huge tall apartment buildings that are so run down. Picture walking down a hall in one of those haunted houses that have like a run down bus station room or like an insane asylum room and that is kinda what all of the buildings look like and we just climb endless amounts of stairs, but then rather than having creepy dressed up characters there are just God's children waiting for us! Fun stuff. Not sure I painted that picture very well?
To end I would just like to share something that we come across every day as a missionary in this country. Most people we talk to always give an excuse for not learning about Christ by saying "all religions are the same and they all teach us to do good deeds and to not sin"
They believe that both Christianity and Buddhism just encourage us to do good deeds. However, what they don't understand is the fact that GOD lives and without following Jesus Christ we have no chance at salvation, or as the prophet said recently exaltation. How important is it to live with your loved ones again? How much does that mean to you? I wish it meant more to these people sometimes. But for me it means everything. I love my family and I love the chance, that because of Jesus Christ, WE CAN BE EXALTED! Sure all religions are good, but only one religion paves the path to heaven.
President Nelson said it best, "They need to understand that while there is a place for them hereafter—with wonderful men and women who also chose not to make covenants with God—that is not the place where families will be reunited and be given the privilege to live and progress forever. That is not the kingdom where they will experience the fulness of joy—of never-ending progression and happiness. Those consummate blessings can come only by living in an exalted celestial realm with God, our Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and our wonderful, worthy, and qualified family members."
They believe that both Christianity and Buddhism just encourage us to do good deeds. However, what they don't understand is the fact that GOD lives and without following Jesus Christ we have no chance at salvation, or as the prophet said recently exaltation. How important is it to live with your loved ones again? How much does that mean to you? I wish it meant more to these people sometimes. But for me it means everything. I love my family and I love the chance, that because of Jesus Christ, WE CAN BE EXALTED! Sure all religions are good, but only one religion paves the path to heaven.
President Nelson said it best, "They need to understand that while there is a place for them hereafter—with wonderful men and women who also chose not to make covenants with God—that is not the place where families will be reunited and be given the privilege to live and progress forever. That is not the kingdom where they will experience the fulness of joy—of never-ending progression and happiness. Those consummate blessings can come only by living in an exalted celestial realm with God, our Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and our wonderful, worthy, and qualified family members."
I love you all! Thanks for your love and support. Joy in the journey
Elder Gochnour
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