Monday, December 11, 2017


This week was absolutely insane!!!!!!! I have so many things to write haha, and I have no time to write them all so I will just do a few highlights. 

Yesterday was seriously like the craziest day in the world. We were biking on the road and right as this huge semi-truck was passing us on the rode its tire popped and it was so scary I thought there was an explosion, haha, but it didn't hit us so we are good. 

We saw this guy in a wheelchair and I pushed him back to his house on dirt roads and it was so far away haha. He was mute though (like unable to talk) and he was just making the weirdest noises and yelling so loud, and then he wanted to keep going faster so at the end I was straight up running this man through the dirt roads of Cambodia, but we got him home safe. 

THEN last night we were just chilling out our house. I hear a knock on our door and it is like 8 o'clock (the schedule here is different) so we are supposed to be in our house and not open our door. I was downstairs doing my laundry and I didn't want to open it but then I hear this person yell "Elder!" I ran to the door and open it and one of the investigators who reminds me of a Khmer, Nate Owen, falls into the room and starts seizing up. He was freaking out and I didn't know what the heck to do. I ran him to the bathroom and he starts throwing up. He was SO OUT OF IT. Long story short he crashed on our couch for thirty minutes and we gave him his pills until his friend could come pick him up. He has diabetes and was low on blood sugar and I am pretty sure he almost died. 

On Saturday we had Soteb's (pronounced like so-tape) baptism. It was really fun, awesome, and spiritual experience. There were five baptisms and they had members baptize the investigators, and not one of the people said the baptismal prayer right on their first try. It was awesome haha. The room was jam-packed and I just felt the love, energy, and the true spirit of the Cambodian people. Soteb had the biggest smile on his face and I really felt true genuine happiness. As we biked home, I couldn't help but smile ear to ear. It just felt right, and I just know that this church is true.

Last Monday, we went to some old temple ruins (not Angkor Wat) and it was so dope! I legit felt like I was Legolas in Lord of the Rings when he is roaming the ruins looking for Orks to kill in order to protect Frodo. SO DOPE!

I had a small miracle happen on Wednesday. We had been contacting for three hours, under the hot sun and not one person was interested. My comp was letting me take the lead to work on the language and I was literally talking to everyone and no one cared. After 2:30 hours I didn't know what the heck to do, where to go or who to talk to. I just said heck I am just gonna say a prayer. Simple, and short I got back on my bike. 10 minutes later we find our new investigator Heang and he is a super cool guy. There have been many times on my mission where I have prayed and nothing happened, but Heavenly Father knows me. He knows I needed that one. He knows I needed a little victory to boost my morale. He is a god of love, compassion, and mercy. I am so grateful for his guiding hand that I can see every day on the mission. He knows when we are at our lowest and he will be there, but he also knows when we can go a little further and do a little more. He is still there. If you are struggling with anything, just go a little further and do a little more and I promise you when you look back you will see how he guided your steps. Hindsight is 20-20

Anyway, things are good here. I love this crazy life. I love living where you don't know what might happen next in this unpredictable country. It is fun, it is raw and it brings real happiness. I love you all. READ THE SCRIPTURES. I AM BEGGING YOU! Read Alma chapter 32 or any chapter because they are all SO GOOD! Until next week! 

//Elder Gochnour

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