Sunday, December 17, 2017

Every day we LIT!

Heyyyyyyyyy Y'ALL!!!!! What is up!?!?! Christmas is in one-week WHATTT! I am so pumped! If anyone is at home, thinking about what to do with Christmas approaching this is what I would invite you to do: Turn on the Taylor Swift Christmas album (specifically Christmas Must be Something More) or any Christmas album for that matter, make yourself some hot chocolate, go sledding, watch a Christmas classic (Polar Express, Home Alone, etc.) and eat some Christmas Treats! Those are things you miss when you are out here grinding :) BUTTTT I wouldn't trade it for the world! I love it out here.

This week was fantastic!! We had another baptism this week for a 19-year-old guy, named Benha (pronounced Benyaa) and it was really a spiritual experience. After his baptism, he talked a little bit about his story of how he entered the church. His friend invited him to come to church and he agreed. The first day Sunday he came he felt so awkward and was so scared to go into the church because he didn't want to feel left out and weird. He said that when he came into the church he felt right, and as he started meeting new people there was something different about them. He felt like he left the outside world and came into a place where everyone is kind and cared about him. The spirit was so strong in the room, and I know that he felt the love of the Savior. It was a really powerful experience, and I am so happy for him. He has already started trying to share the gospel with his friends and his brother! I love him. 

I was also lucky enough to confirm him a member of our church and give him the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I stumbled a little, but I know that Heavenly Father helped guide me to say what was necessary. Anyway other than that just a regular week. We have been struggling to find more investigators, but we are working hard! Lot's of contacting and sweating and all that good stuff! ..........YUP!

We had zone conference on Tuesday and it was so fun to see Elder Bohman, Elder Enloe and spend time with our whole zone. We played Siem Riep in soccer (PSG v.s. Real Madrid) and I went full out Neymar on them! Just kidding hahaha I am terrible at soccer but we managed to pull out the W! I learned a lot from zone conference though and I loved what Sister Christensen said about how every time that the angel appeared to tell of Jesus's birth he started by saying "Fear not." We must not fear! We have the Savior of the world on our side. 

Recently, I have so much gratitude for 1 hour of personal study every day. I have been targeting all my studies on the Savior, as Christmas comes. He means so much more to me and every day He plays a bigger role in my life. After every personal study, I gain more gratitude for the Only Begotten and have a stronger desire to follow him. I am especially grateful for Christ in my life at this time. I know He lives. I know He succors his brothers and sisters. And I know he makes up for everything that is weak, unfair and wrong in this life. I am so grateful for that knowledge especially in this country where people aren't given many opportunities. He truly is the light of the world. 

At this time I urge you consider the story of Jesus Christ and how Joseph and Mary tried to find room in the inn before they went to the manager. Please consider your life as the inn. We are the innkeepers. We decide who gets to stay in our inn. Sometimes social media, sports, school, or other things that are still good, take away all our time from focusing on the Savior. I URGE YOU TO MAKE ROOM IN YOUR INN! Find some time and some space to allow the Son of God to enter into your inn and to dwell in your hear this Christmas season. Serve others. Study the scriptures. Develop Christlike attributes. And remember that he is there for you at any moment, in strength and weakness, in happiness or hardship. And that he loves you!

Anyway, that is all I got for this week. Everyone has the best Christmas and allow Christ to keep your life LIT! Everyone go read Alma 7 or Mosiah 4. They are bomb chapters. Thanks for all the love and support. I love you all!

//Elder Gochnour

P.S. I performed a musical number for zone conference with my comp, and two sisters haha BRUTAL. I am still tone deaf people, but I am learning to laugh at myself one day at a time!

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