The week started with a bang, quite literally actually. It was Tuesday night after a pretty regular day of proselytizing and it started pouring rain pretty hard. We were also coming home late so I was trying to haul on my bike and at this intercession, I saw a moto slow down so I thought I was good to go, but then he just sped up right into me and t-boned me haha. No injury and still living baby! I wish I could say that was the only accident, but at one point I may have biked into a parked car this week as well ha. We had a good week of missionary work! Honestly, missionary work is not too exciting on the everyday level, but when you look back at the effect that the work you put in has had then you really can get excited. A lot of teaching, biking, and having to rearrange our plans when people don't show up or don't answer their phones haha. This week we also took home 300 duck eggs from Elder Pov's house so I pretty much just ate about 13 eggs a day haha. Fun stuff and really making memories out here. We had transfer calls and I am staying here with Elder Pov so another transfer in Pochentong and I am gonna try to make the most of it because it will be the last one.
The fun news of the week was the baptism of another one of our investigators named Jing Choan! We have seriously been teaching her for probably about 4 months and it has been a very slow process. She had been to church 10 times and has a lot of support from the members in the ward. Countless times throughout our lessons she had questions or concerns. We would do our best to answer them and resolve them and eventually the concern would go away and things would fall into place. I know that that didn't happen because we are good teachers or we shared the right stuff with her. But I know that because she continued to stay faithful and trust in the Lord, eventually everything that she was worried about made sense and didn't matter so much anymore. I know that the true power and truth of the gospel can resolve anyone's concerns, whether you are a member for your whole life or just starting to learn about who Jesus Christ is. I know that because I know that this church is true and as we continue to trust in God and continue in faith everything will work out just like it did for her. Awesome baptism and great to see her enter a sacred covenant with her Father in Heaven.
If any of you want a few good reading assignments I have some for you that really helped me understand about faith and endurance. I was reading in Hebrews 11 and then in Ether 12:7-22. It talks about the amazing miracles that the prophets were able to do because of the faith that they had.
I would invite you to read those sections of scriptures and think about your own faith. We also have to realize that many of the prophets did not have the ultimate success story. Although they had many miracles wrought by their hands, they had to face extreme hardship, suffering, and even death.
Just because we have faith doesn't mean things are going to be easy, but they are going to be possible. That is where we have to endure and use our faith as the stepping stones in our path of life!
I would invite you to read those sections of scriptures and think about your own faith. We also have to realize that many of the prophets did not have the ultimate success story. Although they had many miracles wrought by their hands, they had to face extreme hardship, suffering, and even death.
Just because we have faith doesn't mean things are going to be easy, but they are going to be possible. That is where we have to endure and use our faith as the stepping stones in our path of life!
Also, shout out to William West with the big bday last week. I love you man!
Thanks so much for all the love and support!
Elder Gochnour
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