Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Time Flies...

What a week, what a week!

To start off we had transfer calls, but everything is staying the exact same so no worries! We are loving serving together and "my son" is adapting so well to the mission. He is already way good at Khmer and can understand pretty well! He is a baller and training has been the easiest thing because he was ready to grind!

Long story short time FLIES! Lots of exchanges this week and when Elder Chytraus and I sat down and Thursday night for companionship study and asked each other: where did today go? It felt like we blinked and it was over. Time flies when you're having fun?

We had a special missionary meeting with President Tad R. Callister, which was sweet! I learned a lot and it felt really low key and chill. He taught us how to teach the Plan of Salvation and I could tell that he really just wanted to help us become better teachers and better missionaries. I actually learned some new doctrine that I didn't know before which was really cool.

Things are just the same old same here and I couldn't be happier about it. We have struggled a little bit with having success in our area though, and yesterday was actually the first week that I didn't have an investigator at church on my mission. I felt a bit frustrated. I think when we face failure though, it is just Heavenly Father teaching us to be more humble and to get more motivated. If we go throughout our lives just being mediocre and satisfied with just having enough we will never have a desire to change. When we get knocked down we come to realize that we must get back up and try a little harder. And ultimately we must realize that the will of the Lord is greater than our own will. 

While reading the Book of Mormon I noticed something very interesting:

And it came to pass that the people began to murmur with the king because of their afflictions; and they began to be desirous to go against them to battle. And they did afflict the king sorely with their complaints; therefore he granted unto them that they should do according to their desires.
And they gathered themselves together again, and put on their armor, and went forth against the Lamanites to drive them out of their land.
And it came to pass that the Lamanites did beat them, and drove them back, and aslew many of them.

The Nephites wanted to go up to battle, but the king didn't want to let them. After much complaining and murmuring the king allowed them to do according to THEIR OWN WILL and the suffered greatly because of it. We see the same thing when Joseph Smith asks God to allow Oliver Cowdery to take the extra papers of the golden plates. He has to ask three times and then eventually God allows him to do "his own will". He then loses the plates. We realize that when we want to do OUR OWN WILL we eventually come to find defeat and failure. We must trust in the Will of the Lord even if it doesn't make sense right now.

PS Today at the market I watched a guy slit the throat of a chicken and bleed him out to make sure that the meat stayed fresh. Yummy!

That is all she (I) wrote! Love you and have a fantastic week! GO TITANS AND UTES!


Elder Gochnour

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