Sunday, November 4, 2018


Another GOOD week in the books!

I won't be very long, but we have been putting in the work in our area! We finally had the chance to spend the whole week in our area and we used every opportunity we could to proselyte the good word of the Lord! The effects really showed. We went from having 0 investigators at church (one came late) to having six there this week! I know that the Lord really does reward us for working hard. I think the best part of the week was getting in bed every night and just feeling exhausted, knowing that I (as they say) we left it all on the field! 

I love how the Lord works. We went contacting under the hot sun with very long walks, many times this week. We didn't find anyone interested. Disappointing you think? Yes, disappointing. But then, without fail almost every night someone would call with a random referral of someone who wants to learn. The Lord truly rewards our efforts. We have a guy named Lee and his son and niece doing well! Hopefully we can keep meeting and teaching them!

Funny stories that happened:
  • We met this lady that REALLY wanted to become a member. We had to give her to the sisters, but when I asked her what her name was, her response was wherever she needed to sign she would sign. She volunteers to join hahaha. I guess you could say she was elect!
  • We also went and got some cupcakes with witches and ghosts on them so yeah you can say we were getting festive!
  • Someone stole the copper from the electrical wiring at the church so we had to teach English class with no air conditioning and even worse, no lights! Flash lights it was! At least it added to the Halloween spirit!
  • Ate a lot of rice (oh wait that is every week lol)
I finished reading the church history book Saints this week and it was a really cool experience! I love learning about our heritage and that God makes imperfect human beings (like all of us) into his Saints. Yes, we all have imperfections, but more importantly, the Grace of God is sufficient, and He can make us a tool in His hand to bring about His work. 

I am especially grateful for the gift of the Book of Mormon. Everyone has questions. At the end of the day, none of us have a perfect knowledge and understanding of everything, except God. That is why He gave us the Book of Mormon. Sure some of our questions may not have the perfect explanation, but the Book of Mormon is true. I can testify of that without a doubt. The Book of Mormon is true. From cover to cover (including the index?) it is full of the word of God. And the word of God can change us. It can make us become better and fill us with hope. I know these things to be true with all my heart. I thank my Heavenly Father for the marvelous Book of Mormon.


Later skaters,

Elder Gochnour


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