Tuesday, May 29, 2018

1 Week, 2 General Authorities

Missionary Conference May 2018
To start off I just want to give a few very special shout outs. First to my boy Elder Ference just dominating in Thailand with the big Bday on Saturday! South East Asia repping! And of course, SHOUT OUT to the one and only Mary Anne Tidwell turning 19 on Sunday! Everyone send her some love because she deserves it. One year older and wiser too! Happy birthday MARY!
This week was pretty amazing and filled with a lot of meetings. 

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to have Elder Bednar and Elder Evans come to our mission. 
We had a mission conference with every single missionary and it was so fun to see everyone and to feel that we all have for each other in a small chapel room in Cambodia. It was pretty amazing to hear from Elder Bednar. He is brilliant and knows how to teach and testify by the spirit. I was amazed at the doctrine that came out of his mouth and the things that we learned in only a short 3 hours. He also didn't just give a talk, but we had a discussion and it really was just an amazing experience. I learned so much and I don't know if I will ever have the opportunity to be in a room with two general authorities of the Lord with less than 100 people. Pretty fantastic. I can personally testify that my testimony of the organization and the elect calling of Elder Bednar was strengthened in only three short hours. He truly is a chosen servant of the Lord. 

That night we had the chance to take two investigators to hear him and Elder Evans speak again, this time to the Cambodian people. It was again amazing to hear their words of wisdom. They talked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy, paying tithing and preparing to be the people that will be able to maintain a temple years after it has been built. I love one thing he mentioned, "The Lord hasn't given us a list of do's and don'ts for what we can and cannot do on Sunday. He trusts us to use our agency for good. If we are ever questioning whether we are keeping the Sabbath day holy we need only ask ourselves, "Would Jesus Christ be proud of me doing this?"" 

I really loved what they shared. We also had a chance to have Stake conference with all of the North Stake in Cambodia! It was awesome and we again got to hear from another general authority, but I forgot his name. I especially loved hearing the testimonies of my mission president and his wife, and the love they have for the Cambodian people. I love them too! We somehow managed to get ten investigators at the meeting which was a miracle because it was at the stake building (sometimes difficult to get the word out and explain directions), but thankfully it all worked out. On top of all that I had my last interview with President and Sister Christensen before they go home. They are amazing people and have positively impacted my life in so many ways. I learn so much when I talk to them. They will be missed! I loved hearing their words of wisdom and life advice that hopefully I can apply and become a better missionary and person!
Well other than all the big meetings it was a pretty regular week! Here are some funny things about the week: 

Because it was my companion's one year mark, me and Elder Shumway (homie) decided to make him the best breakfast in the world. Elder Shumway tossed together a delicious pancake and I made some eggs, toast, and brown sugar oatmeal for him. He was gonna eat like a king. However, halfway through his breakfast he just felt way sick and was pretty much out for the whole day. Luckily it was weekly planning so we didn't miss any proselyting, but I think I almost killed my companion. Sometimes serving doesn't always end up how you thought it would..... (we think he got sick because he ate pizza and he is allergic to dairy, but it was a funny coincidence)
We went golfing for an Elder's birthday and it was way dope! I felt like Tiger just getting my stroke back! I was actually just kinda terrible, but it was a very fun time. The funny part about this story was that one of the guys accidentally threw his club into the water we were hitting into... Great!!!
Well other than that things are great! Golfing was a blast and we played soccer today and I was basically just Hope Solo protecting the goal out there! We have a lot of awesome investigators that can always go to church, but they can only meet Saturday and Sunday, so sometimes things feel slow, but they are actually very good. Because it is hamburger day there is a deal for 5 burgers for 5 dollars at Carls Jr.!!!!!!!! You know where I am eating for the next three days. Also, because they are splitting the ward we have 6 Elders in just one ward haha. Imagine that. I hardly ever saw ANY elders back home and now there are 6 of us in one ward.
To end the letter I just want to share an amazing scripture that Elder Evans talked about. 

Ether 3:11: 'And the Lord said unto him: Believest thou the words which I SHALL speak?'

What an interesting question. The Lord asked the brother of Jared if he believed what the Lord was going to speak. Do we have that same faith as the brother of Jared? Are we willing to perfectly adhere to the words of our beloved prophet and apostles? Some might think that doing whatever is asked of us by President Nelson is ignorance or blind faith, rather I believe that it is faith enough to trust the Lord and all that He does for us. All that he will reveal for us. Do we believe the words that the Lord will speak? I sure hope I can strengthen my faith adequately enough to be able to trust the voice of our Heavenly no matter what the circumstance is. No matter what storms or trials come! 

That is all I got. Lebron is a legend. I love my mission, my family, and my Savior.
Elder Gochnour


Monday, May 21, 2018

An Elect Convict

What a week, what a week! No pink eye or disease this week so things are great! 
We had an awesome week: nothing too exciting except some raw missionary work which is better anyway. 

Story of the week: 

There was a man who had been in jail for ten years, which truthfully his sentence was fifteen, but because of good behavior this man got let out five years early. Three stolen motorcycles and five years for each one. He went into jail with a wife and two kids, and a pretty regular life. Fast forward ten years. This same man lost his wife who went and married someone else and lost contact with his two children. He lives in his little sister's house, but he is unwelcome there, and yet this man is happy. 

He is happy because while in prison he was able to find hope through our Savior, Jesus Christ. He became sufficiently humble to seek after a loving Heavenly Father and find peace in Him. This man is named Lina and was let out of prison two Thursdays ago. That Sunday he found a church and entered, finally able to worship after so many longs years in a desolate Cambodian prison. The Elders there referred him to us because he lives in our area. Lina is an amazing man and has such a desire to learn more about the Savior. On top of all that it has been incredible to teach him because he is extremely knowledgeable in the Bible, but now he has an even better chance through another testament of Jesus Christ, The Book Of Mormon. He attended all three hours of church on Sunday and he truly is elect. He has been such a blessing in our lives and I really have come to know the meaning of the scripture, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." 

This man has made mistakes and so has had to suffer in prison for 10 years and lose all that he had.  He has become poor in spirit, sufficient enough to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ in his life. Blessed are the poor in spirit because the Kingdom of Heaven is happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.

Other than that we had a pretty regular week! We had two baptisms for an 8-year-old named Raymond, whose parent are not members, but his grandmother is, however it still is a convert baptism because his Grandma lives in America now. We also had a baptism for a 17-year-old girl named Srey Pin. I really have seen the blessings that have come in her life from following the gospel because before she said she always felt so lonely and now she feels like she has so many friends. 
Living according to Christ's gospel can make you happy! I know that without a doubt in my mind. 
It was awesome to see those two enter the waters of baptism. 

I got to see everyone at transfers which was pretty awesome because there are so many amazing missionaries here that I have become such good friends with. Also funny story: We are teaching another 17-year-old girl named Cing Choan who really has a desire to change her life, but she was devastated when we taught her the word of wisdom. She said that she would try her best, but I have never seen someone take it so hard, she was almost crying. In the end, she said she was willing to follow the Word of Wisdom even though it would be hard. 

I don't know when the rainy season actually starts because everyone says something different here, but I am pretty sure it is the rainy season because it just POURS every day and leaves the streets flooded. I have submerged my feet into a flooded street while biking probably five times in the last week! 
Fun adventures though.

Lastly, Elder Bednar comes tomorrow which is gonna be legit! I am so pumped. I have been studying his talks and trying to prepare spiritually for him. LET'S GO! 

Also, I was taking the sacrament and I realized the significance of Jesus Christ's eternal sacrifice. Everyone in the whole world could partake of the sacrament every week if they believed. These blessings are available to EVERYONE because the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ are limitless. Pretty cool realization. JOY IN THE JOURNEY! I love my mission and the Cambodian people and my Savior and all of you! Shout out to all the people preparing to go on a mission. Read the Book of Mormon and gain a testimony of it

Also, the Jazz picking up another Dukie, you betcha! 

Elder Gochnour

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Missionary Work On The Other Side

Spent all my time talking to my fam which was way better than writing out a poorly composed email so here is a brief summary. 

It felt like I was literally stuck under the waterfall part in Grizzly Rapids in Disneyland for two straight hours because that is how hard it rained on Tuesday. The rain caused the streets to flood, which caused me and Elder Taylor (Exchange) to bike through three feet of chocolate brown water. That water, therefore, caused me to have pink eye. 

Since then I have recovered. 

You gotta love it baby. 

Great week and the work is progressing well. We got transfer calls and nothing changed so I will still just be working with Elder Tuft in Pochentong as the English class leader. LET'S GO!!

My investigator from KC died on Monday. Not enough time to explain the details (maybe my mom can help) but I know that he is doing work on the other side of the veil. I think he was one of the, if not the, happiest people I have ever met. I know he is teaching the gospel to his ancestors and fulfilling the vision that President Smith saw of the spirit world. 

In Doctrine &Covenants section 138

 "30 But behold, from among the righteous, he organized his forces and appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to all the spirits of men; and thus was the gospel preached to the dead.

31 And the chosen messengers went forth to declare the acceptable day of the Lord and proclaim liberty to the captives who were bound, even unto all who would repent of their sins and receive the gospel.

32 Thus was the gospel preached to those who had died in their sins, without a knowledge of the truth, or in transgression, having rejected the prophets.

33 These were taught faith in God, repentance from sin, vicarious baptism for the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands,"

Life is fragile, but it is worth it. I am grateful for the gospel and the hope that we have of life after death. 

I love my mother. She is my sunshine. Please, everyone, give your mother a hug today. 

The church is true. 

Elder Gochnour

Snails from a member and
we figured out a way to eat them
bees and bugs salad - not my favorite look at the up close if
you have a strong stomach!

Monday, May 7, 2018

I Love My Mom


2 quick shout outs. First to Coulson Rich for the dope package! I love you man. Second to my sister in law Abby! Hope you had the best birthday ever!!

Well, to start I woke up this morning and felt like someone put my stomach in a blender and turned it on for the whole night. The number of times I went to the bathroom was in the double digits.... but other than that things are pretty amazing here!!

The weirdest thing that I saw this week:  A guy driving a moto with probably about 30 geese just tied on, quaking all the while. On top of the fact that this dude literally just tied geese on to his moto, there was a dog going at one of the gooses, legit just biting its face. All the other geese were trying to protect him, but they were tied up so it was to no avail. That was a very strange site. 

  • This week was completely amazing and so full of miracles. The guy Seta that just kept having miracles happen left and right finally came to church. He along with nine other of our investigators and four potential investigators somehow all found a way to go to church. It was a pretty amazing sacrament meeting, and it feels like we are doing nothing to make it happen, but rather the Lord is just blessing us. 
  • On top of that, we had Mongkul and David get baptized this week! It was a pretty awesome experience. I love the joy and excitement that they wear on their shoulders as they put on those special white jumpsuits. Mongkul is a 15-year-old who already is a great member help in all of our lessons, and has a strong desire to serve a mission. David is a 10-year-old that has gone to church his whole life but was never baptized because his parents aren't members. It was a very wonderful Sunday
  • On top of all that, we had been trying to visit and encourage some less actives to come to church and all of them showed up. It was amazing! I saw some of them and couldn't believe my eyes. It really was a miracle from the Lord. 

We had two exchanges this week which made things pretty chaotic, but very fun. I was able to spend time with a guy named Elder Richards who is from Maryland and is in his training. It is so fun being around people who are new to the mission because they have so much excitement. We were contacting and huge rain storm hit us out of nowhere. We had to ask a lady for a poncho, but it was hard to put on because we were already so wet, so some random lady just helped us put on our poncho and put our arms through the holes and stuff. I love this country. I had another exchange with Elder Selman who is from Corner Canyon and very close to going home. He was called to speak Vietnamese, but he learned Khmer so well that now he can proselyte in both languages pretty impressive. 

Another funny thing that happened was that people moved into our house haha and it was not good. We own the third, fourth, and fifth floors and they moved into the second and first, but there was no barrier between the stairs so you could literally just see them as you walked by the stairwell. On top of that they have two very young kids that just yell and cry all day haha so we were a little worried, but our landlord put up a divider and a cover so things are good now. That was pretty funny though. 

We taught a lesson to a recent convert last night that was pretty powerful. They are one of the poorest families I have met, but they always sacrifice to go to church and feed the missionaries, and they won't say no. We decided that we wanted to teach them about heaven because they deserve it. When preparing, I learned that in order to achieve heaven we must do everything we can do. We must do as Nephi did in 1 Nephi 3:7 to completely and wholeheartedly follow the commandments of the Lord. If we do that then we will be able to have a shot at heaven. But like my basketball shooting, we will always miss that shot if it weren't for the Savior. We learn in 2 Nephi 25:23  "for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." So even after we try our hardest we will still fall short? That is disheartening. What must we hope for then? We learn in Moroni 7: 41 "And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise." We can have hope through JESUS CHRIST. Through Him all of our wrongs will be made right. Through Jesus Christ we can make it to heaven. The lesson was amazing and that man is one of the most humble and yet the happiest person I have ever met. If anyone deserves heaven it is him. 

This week I have been studying a lot about mothers. Man oh man am I lucky to have the best one. I love you Jeni B Gochnour! I love studying the amazing stories of mothers in the scriptures because a mother's love is one thing that can't be compared. One of the missionaries called me mama's boy and I wasn't even mad! One of my favorite quotes is "Be the type of missionary your mom thinks you are" SHOUT OUT TO MY MOTHER! I love you. 

Hope everyone had a fantastic week! I love you all. Thanks for the love and support. Joy in the Journey! And like Elder McDougal said, TAKE NOTE!!!!! YUP!

Elder Gochnour