Monday, August 20, 2018


Hello! Congrats to the Titans for balling out and I also heard that Zion Williamson is looking good. Blue Devil Nation baby! This week was good and actually, a lot happened and I hardly have enough time to scrape the surface of expressing my every day coming and goings, so I will just give a quick recap:

  • As ironic as this sounds I decided that in order to mix up my transfer I would wear the same outfit every day for six weeks. Wearing the ugliest tie I have and a rotation through my three pairs of tans pants. Not to mention the killer Keens (loafers) haha! My humor has really gone downhill...
  • Went on another exchange to Sen Sok. No way to describe that place so I will just have to tell you the stories when I get home. Lots of goats and sheep and missionary work.
  • Had a meeting with almost the whole mission because one of the area 70 came on Saturday and it was pretty awesome. I love getting together as a whole mission and feeling the spirit.
  • One of our investigators named Seyta is really the miracle man! He has no food and no money and is literally barely surviving. His blind dog isn't doing so great either. It was his birthday on Saturday so we took him out to eat and we just went big! Steak, pork, octopus and everything a man needs to have a good meal. He was so humble and grateful for that meal and I think we really made his day. After a lot of sacrifice from the members, he should be starting work this week and getting baptized the next! An awesome guy with tons of faith. He would have already had a job, but he decided to starve rather than to take it because he said it wouldn't allow him to go to church on Sunday. Pretty cool stuff. The work here has been a little bit slower, but it has given us more time to just focus on the one, and spend more time thinking about each one of our investigators and is really a blessing in our lives! 

I hit my one year mark! It was actually pretty anti-climatic, but crazy to think that I have been out here for a year. I burned one of my white shirts and spent a lot of time reflecting on this past year and looking forward to the year ahead. 

I spent a whole study time in Preach My Gospel thinking about the person that I want to become when I step off the plane in the Salt Lake Airport a year from now. I feel like I have changed so much, but yet have so far to go. I feel like I have done so much, but yet have missed so many opportunities. No words can adequately express the feelings that I have for the past year and the feelings I will yet have for the year ahead. 

I guess simply put, I have gratitude. I have gratitude for this mission, for this Gospel and for my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that the most important thing is being able to bow down to the Lord every single night, and say with an honest heart that, "Heavenly Father today I tried my best, and tomorrow I will try a little bit harder." That is all that matters. And if we are able to bow down and say that every single night of our lives, we will eventually become the finished product that we once only hoped for. I would invite you all to do the same. With that all in mind, President Homer the area 70 shared this scripture D&C 45:2 and it really kicked me into gear. 

It says:
And again I say, hearken unto my voice, lest death shall overtake you; in an hour when ye think not the summer shall be past, and the harvest ended, and your souls not saved.

We can't come to the end of our missions, or more importantly the end of our lives, and realize that the summer has passed and that our glorious and precious time to harvest has ended. I may have one year down, but that means I get a whole other year to devote my self to the salvation of souls. The summer is not yet over and when it is, I don't want to think that there was a soul not saved that I could have shared this wonderful gift of hope that the gospel of Jesus Christ offers everyone. And after this year I have the rest of my life to finish that work until death does overtake me. I love being a missionary and can't wait for another 52 weeks of pure joy in the Lord's vineyard!

Thanks for all the love from back home! You guys are the best!! Read the Book of Mormon!

//Elder Gochnour

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