Monday, December 17, 2018

Hello Siem Reip!

This week was just absolute chaos. Because we got whitewashed out of our area we tried to go visit as many members as we could, while balancing our time between preparing the area book, packing and teaching investigators. Pretty crazy couple of days. In addition to that, the first couple of days in Siem Riep have just been an absolute whirlwind, but fantastic nonetheless! Because the new group of missionaries has had Visa problems we have been in a trio and have not split our area. That means that we were able to bike all the way to Angkor Wat and go visit members around there which were just absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! I think that there might be more white and Chinese tourists in our area than Khmers haha, but come what may and LOVE IT! We also spent a lot of time moving Elders and Sisters houses around and I just still have not fully unpacked which is a  bit of a headache.

 There were two major things that happened this week:
  • When I first got into the area my companion told me that they were planning to have a baptism that Sunday which was pretty surprising because there hasn't been one in this area for over six months. We met this guy and he is literally one of my favorite people in the world. He is so innocent, pure and has such a desire to learn about and follow Jesus Christ. We taught him both Thursday and Friday to get him prepared for baptism, but he said that he would be going to PP to translate for some Chinese people and wouldn't be able to make it to church on Sunday. Boy was I surprised when he ran into the church and gave me the biggest hug on a bright Sabbath Morning. We also had a baptism this weekend! He's an 18-year-old college student named Ly Chai ("Lee-Ch-eye"). He's only learned with the missionaries for 3 weeks, but he was dead set on getting baptized as soon as possible. I wish I had more time to tell about him, but long story short, he said that he saw a moto crash and even though he wasn't involved at all he just walked up to the guy and gave him 20$ because he thought it is what Christ would have done. YUP! The baptism was phenomenal. I literally already love all of the members here in Siem Riep and their primary is WORLD FAMOUS! Reminds me of the H 18 primary back home. The baptism was so smooth and when he got up to bear his testimony he said that he was happy, but he couldn't have a fulness of joy because he doesn't get confirmed till next week! He really does understand the gospel! It does change lives.
  • We are also teaching a guy from Whales that has hit a mid-life crisis and needs the hope that comes through Jesus Christ and repentance although our sins may be scarlet, they may be made white as snow. Long story short, we have had some of the most powerful lessons and he is on date for this Sunday even though we just started teaching him this week (long story). So fun to teach in English and ties me back to the Welsh ancestors! 

Well so much to talk about and such little time, but I truly do love this mission! 

My spiritual thought is something that I studied from the Book of Mormon this past week. 
In 3 Nephi 8
20 And it came to pass that there was thick darkness upon all the face of the land, insomuch that the inhabitants thereof who had not fallen could feel the vapor of darkness;
21 And there could be no light, because of the darkness, neither candles, neither torches; neither could there be fire kindled with their fine and exceedingly dry wood, so that there could not be any light at all;
22 And there was not any light seen, neither fire, nor glimmer, neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the stars, for so great were the mists of darkness which were upon the face of the land.
23 And it came to pass that it did last for the space of three days that there was no light seen; and there was great mourning and howling and weeping among all the people continually; yea, great were the groanings of the people, because of the darkness and the great destruction which had come upon them.
There was literally no light without the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Imagine those three days. Those three horrible, dark, devastating and utterly hopeless days. May we not forget, however, that Christ did rise from the grave, and because of that we don't have to suffer like those in the Americas did for three solemn and sad days. WE CAN HAVE HOPE THROUGH THE PRINCE OF PEACE AND HIS RESSURECTION! 

We read in chapter 10
10 And the earth did cleave together again, that it stood; and the mourning, and the weeping, and the wailing of the people who were spared alive did cease; and their mourning was turned into joy, and their lamentations into the praise and thanksgiving unto the Lord Jesus Christ, their Redeemer.  
I am so grateful for my Savior and His Ressurection. He is the ultimate source of all hope and happiness in this life! The best Christmas present ever! 

I love you all! Talk to you next week and enjoy the holidays!

Elder Gochnour

P.S. HBD to elder Smith coming up real soon!

also visit this website if you have time 


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